The Misuse Of Cellphones!
Question: If a person enters the Masjid and commences his Salâh without switching off his cellphone or putting it on “silent” and his cellphone happens to ring whilst he is
Question: If a person enters the Masjid and commences his Salâh without switching off his cellphone or putting it on “silent” and his cellphone happens to ring whilst he is
“Indeed your Sustainer expands the rizq (livelihood) for whom He wills and He restricts it…” (17:30) The acquisition of wealth and sustenance is always a source of anxiety and conflict
Loneliness has been identified as a hazard threatening the wellbeing of many people. The paradox of our time is that while there are so many of us on the planet,
“And your Lord revealed to the bee saying: Make hives in the mountains and in the trees and in what they build: Then eat of all the fruits and walk
-vegetarians.Meat is not a necessity in Shari’ah.Most meals of our Beloved Prophet (peace be upon him) did not have meat in them.Meat was rarely eaten in the time of the
1. Mullah Muhammed bin Yaqoob Kulaini, regarded as being among the most prominent Shi’ite scholars of Hadith, states: وان الشيخين فارقا الدنيا ولم يتوبا ولم يتذكرا ما صنعا بامير المؤمنين
If a person does not know the answer to the following three questions: i) Why is there a problem? ii) Where did the problem come from? iii) How to deal
Allah Ta’ala has repeatedly made reference to the gift of fruit in the Holy Quran. In one verse Allah Ta’ala says: “Do you not see that Allah sends down rain
Islam is a complete way of life. Its wisdom is profound. What Islam prescribes and what it prohibits is always of tremendous benefit for humanity as a whole. Every year,
In this digital era children have developed a strong obsession with modern technological gadgets. They are literally being psyched to use every type of gadget available – computer, tablet, smartphone,
Postal Address :
Jaami’ah Darul Uloom Newcastle
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South Africa
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Jaami’ah Darul Uloom Newcastle
26 St. Thomas Street
Kwa Zulu Natal,
South Africa
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