"And Allah invites you to the Home of Light"
Study at Darul Uloom Newcastle and be an inspiration to your family and community.

Welcome to Darul Uloom Newcastle
Step into the heart of enlightenment at the first formal institute of Higher Islamic Studies in South Africa, affectionately known as the “mother” of all Darul Ulooms in the region. Distinguished by its groundbreaking approach, we stand as a trailblazer, offering a unique distinction as the only institution where the rich tapestry of Islamic knowledge is woven together in the English language.
Join us on a journey of discovery, where tradition meets accessibility, and the doors of wisdom swing open for all seekers, regardless of linguistic backgrounds.
Our Courses
The Hifz course typically involves a systematic and structured approach to memorizing the Quran.
I’dadiya is to bridge the gap between their current educational level and the requirements of a more advanced course.
A comprehensive Islamic program designed to produce scholars well-versed in various disciplines of Islamic knowledge.
A specialized Islamic program focused on training students to become qualified Islamic jurists, known as Muftis.
Support Us
“May Allah bless you! Thank you. Those who (in charity) spend of their goods by night and by day, in secret and in public, have their reward with their Lord”
By supporting our institution, you are investing in the future leaders, scholars, and compassionate individuals who will, in turn, contribute positively to society.
Latest Notices & Articles
Latest Notices
Ifta Course
Alhumdulillah,The long awaited Ifta course in Shafee Fiqh had commenced in February 2016. For further enquiries contact the Darul Ifta department on +27 3431 71612. Course conducted by Mufti Zameer
Latest Articles
Facts about Ashura
1. On this day the sea was split into various pathways for Musa (A.S) and his people, thus granting them victory over the tyrant Firawn. Hazrat Ibn Abbas (R.A) reports that
Being with the Hujjāj in spirit and the importance of the first ten days of Zhul Hijjah
“And complete the Hajj and ‘Umrah for Allāh…” (Qur’ān Karīm, 2/196) A gathering of the lovers of Allāh Ta’ālā is taking place. From all over the globe, people are flocking
Dhū al-Ḥijjah – A Month of Virtue
The month of Dhū al-Ḥijjah is the twelfth month of the Islamic calendar. It is considered to be one of the sacred months of the year. This month is particularly
For many Muslims, the term sabr has become synonymous with the word “patience.” However, the beauty of the Arabic language is that many Arabic words, such as sabr, ihsan, taqwa,